Tuesday, July 20, 2010


A trio of panoramic shots. First up is Peggy's Cove - 5 shots combined to make this image.... shot in mid February in fairly high winds with a windchill of about -20...by shot number 4 my eyes were watering so bad I couldn't really see what I was doing.
Next is another 5 or 6 shot image shot near my home in New Glasgow. There are 13 deer in this image in total...but you might need to see a big print to spot them all.
Last pic is a true panoramic shot.... one exposure on a piece of film with a pinhole camera. no lens, just a pinhole....exposed for about 12 seconds. Holga Pinhole Wide.


  1. Beautiful photos Steve. :-). I just purchased a Holga Pinhole Wide from B&H Photo this morning and was looking for photos taken with it to inspire me. I love your example! Thank you.

  2. Hi Steve, love the pictures - was considering getting a Holga Pinhole camera and love the dreamy soft style they produce. Have my own blogspot site with pictures on it here: http://basslineprophetphotography.blogspot.co.uk/

    Click here to view

    I also have a music production site at www.basslineprophet.co.uk

    Click here to view

    I can provide music for websites to add to the general ambience and do enter projects not for payment but only when I feel there is some artistic integrity.

    Anyway, keep up the good work on the photography front, the pics are definitely inspiring.

