Monday, August 27, 2012

Back to FILM!! ...yes actual film.

Yes...I actually took the time to shoot some film and hand develop it at home with the help of my son Cooper.  More of a test of a couple of cameras I recently acquired.
The first image is cropped from a 6x9 format negative on Tri-X 120, developed in T-Max
developer. The developer is fresh, the film expired in 2010 but has been frozen. The camera is an 80 year
old "Franka Rolfix" with a 105mm Schneider lens. The focus was set to the reeds in the foreground.
The second image is a slight crop from a 6x6 negative, also on Tri-X 120 developed in T-Max.
This time the camera is a lovely Rolleiflex 2.8D (1955) with a Zeiss Planar. Both negatives were scanned to digital on an Epson V500. I'll shoot more film from time to time... it was great fun to find myself in the dark trying to get the film wound onto a developing reel... I was rusty but got it done with only one small crease in one neg.